Youngest chess grandmaster
Youngest chess grandmaster

youngest chess grandmaster

In his bid to win the game, Abhimanyu pressed so hard that at some point he even landed in a lost position! But just like he always has, he kept fighting on. If he drew, there was no chance of making a norm even if he won the 10th round. On any other day Abhimanyu would have been quite happy with the position he has got out of the opening. But on this particular day, he needed to win. Leon did open most of his games with 1.d4 and the Grunfeld Defence was chosen keeping in mind Abhimanyu's active playing style and also the possibility of keeping on pressing for a win. After 22 moves the following position was reached: The evening before the game, the team of Abhimanyu, Hemant and GM Arun Prasad, his long time trainer, sat down and looked at the options on hand. "The good thing in this situation was that Abhimanyu had no plan B", says Hemant, Abhimanyu's father. The final round clash between Leon Mendonca and Abhimanyu Mishra (this picture is from a previous event) Abhimanyu saw all the complications, all the lines, all the ideas, 15 moves ahead.

youngest chess grandmaster

This is move no.41 and the move a4 was move no.25.

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The key point being that hxg5 is met with Nxg5 and Rxf4 is not a free rook because of Nxe6+ and the rook is won back! But here Abhimanyu had foreseen (when he went a4 in the first diagram!) that g5 wins for him. The knight is pinned on f7 and moving it would cost the rook on f4. The plan seems slow, but is impossible to refute. The other option is to go Qh4 but after a queen trade Qxh4 Nxh4 White goes Rxf4 and Black moves in Kg7. If Qe2 Abhimanyu correctly visualized that after Raf3 there is no way for Black to meet the idea of h4-h5. The queen gives a check on e1 and after Rf1 Black has two options. Once Rf2 is played gxf4 is a sensible move and now Ra3! So gxf4 looks logical, but then Ra3 Qxb2 and Rh3! ends the game! That's the reason why after f4 Black would go Qe3+ White has to block with the rook as moving the king to g2 or h1 would lose the e4 pawn with a check. Now the knight cannot take it because h6 is hanging. Also to break the pin down the f-file is quite difficult. Ra3 is a move that comes to mind but after Qxb2 it is not so clear. After quite some thought Abhimanyu came up with the idea of f4! in the above position. After g4 g5 Qf3 Nh4 Qf6 Qd5 f3 Kh7 we reach the following position:Ībhimanyu is all ready to take the pawn on f7 with Nxf7 Ng6 (defending h6), e4 Qb3Īt this point it might start getting a bit tense as to how should White make progress. The queen moved to a5 and now Abhimanyu executed the entire variation. Although, in the above position, a4!? is a very interesting idea, Abhimanyu went right back to the position in the first diagram and decided to begin with a4!Ī4! is a very cool move asking a question to the queen on b5. Abhimanyu would love to unpin with Qxe6 but after Rae8 he would lose material. Now the important point to note here is that the knight on f7 is pinned. Hence after e4 it is important to move the queen to b5. Queen is attacked and if he goes to d7 or c4 it is met with Qxg6+! and after Kxg6 Ne5+ wins back the queen with an extra piece.

youngest chess grandmaster

A very interesting position has arisen here. After Nxf7 Black goes Ng6 and White plays e4. Now that the h6 pawn is hanging Black has to play Kh7 when you take on f7 with Nxf7 and attack the h6 pawn. There is a mate threatened on g2 and so Abhimanyu thought about f3. White then goes Qf3 Nh4 Qf6 and now the h6 pawn is attacked when the black queen moves to d5.

youngest chess grandmaster

So after g4, it is natural that Black will respond with g5. Abhimanyu thought about dislodging the knight on f5 with g4 so that he can win the h6 pawn. It was against the young talent of Indian chess Shahil Dey. "I saw nearly 15 moves deep!" Let's have a look at this game. "Everything I calculated happened on the board," says young Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu shared one of the best games of his chess career till date. Abhimanyu Mishra tops this chart now! | Source: ChessBaseīefore we get into the process of how Abhimanyu achieved his title and norms and get to know more about him, his family and his life, I would like to acquaint you with his playing style.

Youngest chess grandmaster